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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Colt's 1 Year Old

Colt turned 1 year old on April 21, 2009. I took him to the vet and he weighed in at 98 pounds (44 kg) and was 77 cm or 30.3 inches tall at the shoulders. Using the 1-2-3 rule, he should grow an additional 2 inches and gain 30 pounds between now and the time he turns 3. (He should end up around 32 inches and 130 pounds by age 3.)

Colt and I went to the Netherlands at the beginning of the month to meet with Shima (Colt's half-aunt) and Zwanet & Henk (Shima's owners). We had a fun time, and it was amazing to see how Colt had grown. Owning Colt it is hard to tell when he grows as I am always around him and for some reason always think he is small. As you can see by the photos, he is far from being small.

Colt was taken in on the 24th of April and had his hips x-rayed. It will take roughly 2-3 weeks to get the results after PenHipp receives them in the states. As soon as I find out his results I will let everyone know. The vet taking the x-rays did say that he didn't see any problems and that the results should show that Colt has great hips.