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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Netherlands Walk 2009

Colt, my husband Mike and I went to the Netherlands this past weekend and got to go walking with other ISSR Shiloh Shepherds and their owners. The ages of the dogs ranged from 9 weeks old to 6 years old. There were 3 boys (Colt - 18 months, Kazan - 1 year and Tibor - 9 weeks) and three girls (Shima - 18 months, Neomi - 6 years and Daytona - 5 years). The dogs all got along very well and had a great time! I have attached some pictures here of the walk, but to see more you can visit Colt's Flickr site at http://www.flickr.com/photos/29585102@N05/sets/72157622451327253/

Colt and Kazan

Colt and Tibor

Colt and Shima

Group of Shilohs